Why the Jobs Bill Passed Today Hurts College Students
It was right around this time, mid-March, during my senior year that I got my first job coming out of college. Of course it wouldn't start until after I graduated, but I, like all my classmates, were...
View ArticleReason Saves Cleveland Schools: Follow Detroit Edition?
As Reason Saves Cleveland with Drew Carey, the one consolation for Cleveland is that they were not Detroit. However, Cleveland could look to Detroit's new school plan as a robust example of how to Fix...
View ArticleDoes Planning Hurt Revitalization in Big Cities?
Reason.tv continues to release videos on Cleveland hosted by Drew Carey and the problems of revitalizing big cities. Today, the focus is on streamlining government to encouarge business development,...
View ArticleCensus: Fill Out Form So We Can Spend More Money
I received my census form in the mail yesterday with a nice note from the Census Bureau urging me to fill it out as soon as possible. The argument the Census Bureau used to get me to fill out the form...
View ArticlePoliticians Smother Cities
I like my hometown, but I must admit that New York has problems: high taxes, noise, traffic. Forbes magazine just ranked my city the 16th most miserable in America. Ouch! Of course, that makes me...
View ArticleThe Obama "Narrative" Narrative
"Every successful [political] campaign," Jon Taplin noted last month over at TPMCafe, "has a narrative." And "if there's one note that runs through many of the theories as to why Obama has disappointed...
View ArticleEncourage Bottom-Up Redevelopment: Episode 5 of Reason Saves Cleveland With...
While the city crumbled, Cleveland taxpayers were paying huge amounts to subsidize stadiums. The next big taxpayer-funded boondoggle is the new convention center. “I didn’t know Cleveland was such a...
View ArticleIn for a Dime, In for a Dollar
When I heard about the proposal to replace Ulysses S. Grant with Ronald Reagan on the $50 bill, I had two thoughts. The first: Grant is on the $50 bill? The second: Jimmy Carter is going to be furious....
View ArticleHow to Repopulate Cleveland And Other Once-Great American Cities
No city can exist without people. Cleveland’s population has declined from nearly 1 million in the 1950s to about 430,000. Many of these people have moved to nearby suburbs, causing city population...
View ArticleLouis Brandeisâ?? Partial Justice
Louis D. Brandeis: A Life, by Melvin I. Urofsky, Pantheon Books, 976 pages, $40In June 1928, the Harvard law professor and future Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter received a letter from his...
View ArticleActually, The Process Does Matter
The Democratic Party believes so deeply in the will of the American people that it may courageously not vote on a bill that it couldn't pass.It was The Washington Post that recently compressed the...
View ArticleHighway Trust Fund Solvent for Another Nine Months
In the midst of the health care debate, the President signed the HIRE Act (Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act) containing several transportation provisions including an extension of the...
View ArticleEducation Lessons Are Lost on Obama
I can't pinpoint the moment when the Obama administration went wrong on the subject of education. But I can pinpoint the moment when it demonstrated that it can't be taken seriously.It happened on...
View ArticleDr. Obama's Idea of Change
Courtesy John Goodman at the National Center for Policy Analysis, here is the change you can look forward to under ObamaCare:19 millionNumber of people predicted to lose their employer plan (Lewin...
View ArticleThe Lie of Fiscal Responsibility
As Democrats made cable-news victory laps in the wake of securing the necessary votes to pass a massive legislative overhaul of the American health care system, there was much talk of history—making...
View ArticleHealth-Care Reform Attacks Federalism
Federalism is one of the bedrock principles of American governance. I wonder how many Congressman really understood how the health-care reform plan passed by Congress on Sunday really was a direct...
View ArticleBailing Out Big Brother
The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin the World Again, by Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols, Nation Books, $26.95At the dawn of the new millennium, when...
View ArticleVideo: Interview on What's Wrong With the Jobs Bill
Interview on RT about the problems with the jobs bill.For more see this see this blog post from last week.
View ArticleRecent News Links on Mobility and Transportation
The American Dream Coalition has convassed news outlets and found these news links on transportation policy and mobility:Taking the Driver Out of the Car– Randal O’Toole, Wall Street JournalCar...
View ArticleLos Angeles Unified to Restrict School Transfers and School Choice
Los Angeles will deny students transfers to other surrounding school districts like Culver City and Torrance so LAUSD can keep the per pupil funding.Culver City, Santa Monica-Malibu and Las Virgenes...
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